
In our blog we publish short articles related to internet finds, news from the group, and projects our members are currently working on.

Hetairoi on Tour: South Italian warriors at the Roman festival in Mayen, Germany

Submitted by Perdikkas on 23/07/2015, on 6:54 pm

On the 18th and 19th of July 2015, our South Italian warriors took part in the Roman festival at the interactive museum Terra Vulcanica in Mayen, Germany. Under unsettled but warm weather conditions, the interested public was presented the panoplies and garments of the South Italian peoples of the 4th century B.C. with group presentations, fashion shows and direct dialogue with our members.

Pictures of the event are already in our gallery:

Hetairoi on Tour: Châteaubriant, France

Submitted by Perdikkas on 15/07/2015, on 9:58 am

On the 11th and 12th of July 2015, a team of four Hetairoi attended a re-enactment event at the Château de Châteaubriant in the French department Loire-Atlantique.

The events topic was the evolution of the soldier in antiquity from the age of Hellenism - as presented by Hetairoi e.V. - until the decline of the Western Roman Empire. With the Hetairoi´s impressions of a Peltast, Thureophoros, Hypaspist and the Pezhetairoi the types of infantry within the armies of Alexander the great and his successors could be presented at the event.

History Lesson

Submitted by Perdikkas on 21/06/2015, on 7:46 pm

Sometimes our unusual hobby offers unusual opportunities. For example, keep the education of their own children.

That's what happened this week to our member Thomas aka Leos. He held a history lesson in the school of his older daughter as a Classical Hoplite.

Forty-five minutes about the historical context of the Persian wars, the military of the Greek city-states, Hoplites and their equipment and fighting style. With a 100% female audience but a lot of questions, keen interest and fun of living history.


Kykeon - Barley groats

Submitted by Perdikkas on 06/06/2014, on 3:10 pm

Kykeon is a meal we often cook on our camps. the recipe is described by Dalby, A., & Granger, S. in their book Küchengeheimnisse der Antike (p. 144) and we would like to share it with you.

The Recipe: Kykeon

For 4 servings you need

  • 120 g semolina (preferably barley)
  • 375 g Ricotta cheese (Take care to use unbaked Ricotta, baked (“al forno”) Ricotta will not dissolve properly
  • 60 g of Honey
  • 1 Egg


Boil the Barley semolina with water. After a while of cooking add the Ricotta step by step and keep stirring until Ricotta is fully dissolved and the groats begins to thicken. Crack the egg into the mixture and stir. Sweeten to taste with honey and bring to a final boil.

The Phalanx Experiment

Submitted by Perdikkas on 02/06/2014, on 3:55 pm

Since we started to become interested in ancient Greece, we were fascinated by Alexander III of Macedon and his remarkable eastern conquest. A basic requirement for him to earn his name "the Great" was without a doubt the Macedonian army reformed by his father. A central part of the army reforms of Philipp II was the new Macedonian phalanx equipped with the sarisa, which dominated the hellenistic battlefields for the following two centuries. Even after Aemilius Paullus was able to break its dominance through his victory at Pydna, seeing the Macedonian Phalanx in action left a lasting impression on his memory, as several ancient authors tell us.