Living History

Living History is an educational concept employed in museums, which was developed out of the concept of battle reenactment, the recreation of historical battles. Usually, the reenactor makes use of the so-called third-person interpretation, where she wears and uses recreated clothing and equipment, but remains available for the audience as a modern person to answer questions and explain her activities. If she plays an actual role, the scenic impression is usually narrated by another member of the group, who explains what is happening to the audience.

Living History as a concept can especially be found in museums of Great Britain, but many museums in Germany and Austria use Living History groups to allow their audience a special glimpse into the past as well.

It is very important that the reconstructed equipment and clothing is based on the historic originals as closely as possible. We strive to base our recreations on the latest state of scientific research, and invest a lot of time in the research of various aspects of the life in ancient Greece. If we can't craft them ourselves, our reconstructed equipment is oftentimes created by craftsmen, who specialise in reconstructions for museums.

Please look on our historical impressions page to get an idea of the range of our historical impressions.